Complex B2B and B2C webshop in 4 countries. Automated order flow, integration to UniConta, PIM and much more. This is how we helped Essential Foods create and optimize their digital platforms.
Collaboration with Essential Foods through 5 years
- B2C Webshop in 4 countries
- B2B Webshop in 3 countries
- Member-get-member solution
- PIM Integration
- Integration to UniConta
- Warehouse integration
- B2B partner portal
- Extensive mobile optimization
- Campaign website
- Automation of order handling
- Update to Magento 2
- Speed optimization
- Conversion optimization

Optimizing speed
A fast load time is essential for a webshop if the visitors (and Google) are not to leave. We therefore worked to optimize the speed and achieved an improvement of over 100% using Magento 2, code optimization and a better hosting environment.

We are a demanding customer, and the shop is complex. era is an invaluable driving force behind annual growth on the right side of 50%. They therefore receive my warmest recommendations.
Christian Degner Elsner, CEO Essential Foods

37% higher turnover
Already after half a year of collaboration, Essential Foods could ascertain that the improvements made on the site had yielded results:
36,83 %Increase in revenue
17,51%Increase in transactions
13,20 %Increased conversion rate

Essential Foods is a fantastic example of what can happen with a webshop when the collaboration between customer and agency works. We started with smaller projects – and when the customer saw the results, we gradually got more freedom on the projects. This means that we can invest where we agree that the most value for money is created.
Rasmus Høks, CEO at era