Spotlight A/S is a well-known Danish lighting company, having existed since 1989. When they initiated a collaboration with Generaxion back in 2019, it was in order to kick-start a growth adventure. The ambitions were high – and clear. There was a wish to become a dominant player in the lighting market and in the long term expand to other countries.

Sky high ambitions in the spotlight
The people behind Spotlight A/S specialize in modern light solutions and have many years of experience with consultancy. Whether you visit the physical stores or the online universe there is always a focus on the right solution – with the starting point being in the costumers’ need.
The goal was ambitious and simple: to be the dominant player in the lighting market and eventually expand to other countries. And how to get there? A 360-degree digital collaboration across platforms and a focus on creating results based on data and conversion optimization.

Strategic and focused PPC-collaboration
The starting point for the collaboration around paid traffic on SoMe platforms and Google has first and foremost been to get more sales on the shop. And from analyses of the market, we knew that we could make a difference relatively fast.
Based on collected data and thorough segmentation, advertising has continuously been optimized so their ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) was kept high.

When we compare the numbers from the first year of the collaboration with the year before the collaboration, the numbers show clear results:
206 %increase in revenue
43 %increase in conversion rate
173 %increase in transactions
Since then, there has been constant positive progress, despite the already impressive results made in the first year.
Besides about 30% more visitors to the web shop, the latest numbers show a 16.5% increase in turnover the past year compared to the previous one, as well as 18% more transactions.
Quite satisfying results when you consider that the total turnover across businesses in Denmark in 2022 decreased a bit compared to 2021.

Increased knowledge and more traffic
Social media is an effective platform when you want to increase brand knowledge and generate more traffic.
Concurrently with Google Ads, we therefore ran Facebook and Instagram campaigns targeting interactions and visits on selected landing pages.
Lighting isn’t a niche product, and therefore it’s a field with a lot of competition.
If your advertisements manage to come through and make people attentive and curious it should be seen as a success. Something for sure also has felt due to increased interest in the products.
The purchase of a quality lamp is often connected to prior research. The target group who ends up in your web shop are typically ready-to-buy users on a hunt for the best price. To affiliate advertisers, who get percentages of a purchase, lamp businesses are very attractive. At the same time, make use of price match, making conversion rate naturally even higher than others in the same business.
Camilla Steen Lauridsen, SEO Specialist at Generaxion