Get sharp at content writing: 6 writing tips

“How do I ensure that this text is spot on?”

If you have worked with copywriting before, you will probably recognize the question above. A good text does not just serve as filler on your website, which is written with the right keywords in mind. The good text captures the reader, makes them interested in your subject or your product – and you know that.

We give you 6 tips on how you can activate your creativity and your talent for content writing and get started on your next article.

It goes without saying that you must pay attention to your target group in all forms of marketing. That’s why we won’t take your time preaching that.

Instead, we want to focus on the fact that there is an ocean of digital platforms and social media available – and it’s not unimportant where you write. If you are in the process of writing a complicated technical article for your blog, you don’t necessarily need to pack away all the complicated phrases. But if, on the other hand, you write an update for Facebook or Instagram, it requires you to meet your followers at eye level.

The linguistic style and your tone of voice will thus already be partially determined before you even hit the keyboard.

The specific considerations about a text already start at the top of the document. The first impression is the alpha and omega if you want to keep your reader’s eyes glued to the text. You give that impression by starting with a sharp, telling, and exciting headline.

The headline is an element most writers are very conscious of. And there is a good reason for that. The most effective headlines are those that evoke some kind of emotion in the reader. Excitement, fear, curiosity – if the recipient feels more than just “that sounds interesting”, then you also get them to read along much more easily. Take the following example:

The second headline not only uses a more nuanced choice of words. It also creates a sense of urgency by talking about an overtake – and a fear of losing through the word “avoid”. And it does it in a way that doesn’t create any distinct discomfort in the reader either. After all, you shouldn’t scare the life out of your followers either.

You can of course say that this is in fact the overall goal of the text. But there are still some concrete things you can do to make your text catchy and interesting.

Talk to your reader

So, they are activated – and speak at eye level. Start your sentences with sharp introductions so they are grasped from the first line. Get them to relate to what you’re writing so they can sit and nod along. If they don’t understand the issue, they have less reason to finish reading your article. And remember to use “you”.

Take advantage of the text type options
(Bold, Italic, Underlined)

To highlight the essentials of your text. This makes it easy for the reader to spot the main points when they let their eyes slide down the writing. Then you have their attention.

Bulleting is your friend

Not only do they increase visibility – they are also eye-catching. Your eyes might even have been quickly caught by this list when you hit the headline above.

Almost regardless of the topic, one golden rule applies: get to the point. The reader probably already knows what the article is going to be about and why they are interested, already from the headline (at least if you followed the first tip). While reading the text, they sit patiently and wait for what they came for.

It is therefore about opening the bin and throwing out the superfluous. Keep the sentences sharp and always keep the point in center. Write correctly and without slang, so that the meaning is not lost to stylize the text. Grammatical correctness also increases your credibility as a writer.

Remember to also create air in your text. Do not let your paragraphs be too long (preferably a maximum of 3 lines). It prevents your text from becoming exhausting to read, and it creates natural pauses for the reader. Whitespace is not dangerous in the digital age.

Even if you have in mind that the sentences should generally be kept short, you can still adjust the specific length. Because the length of the sentence is far from irrelevant, since short and long sentences can do different things.

It is said that short sentences create attention and long sentences create interest. The short sentence causes the reader to open their eyes, figuratively speaking, and allows their curiosity to be awakened. After that, the long sentence elaborates on what the reader has become curious about.

When the reader reaches the end of your text, they are most likely left with a thought of “so what?”. What will they use their newly acquired knowledge for? Do you have additional expertise in the field that you are ready to pass on? It’s about grabbing the reader before they click away from your text.

It is therefore a clear advantage to have a call to action (CTA) at the end of the text. It makes the reader feel followed to the door, and it gives you a good opportunity to get in touch with those who have now shown interest in your industry.